Snow-Man Updated: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 15:22:41 -0500
My name's Stephen Frost. My email is I'm Snow-Man on Freenode and am generally found in #fu, along with a bunch of other channels for projects and stuff I'm involved with. I currently work for Mitretek Systems doing lots of cool stuff. I'm also taking classes over at George Mason University where I'm working towards my Master's degree in Computer Science Systems which I hope to complete at the end of May, 2007.

I have a very cool wife named Megan who I met through my good friends Brian and Karen. Megan and I bought a house out in Centreville back in September and have been living there since November, 2002. On January 15th, 2003 our first child, a little boy, Ryan was born. It's been a pretty big change for me but things are starting to settle down and get at least closer to normal now.

I also do work on Debian when I have time to. To check out the packages that I'm maintaining go to