Fri, Mar 29 2002

Going to be gone this weekend, going down to Virginia Tech. My girlfriend got her degree from there and now her sister is going there. Lots of days when I wish I had gone to VTech instead of getting a job around here and going to NoVa and then GMU. For one thing it would have been nice to get that whole 'going away to school' experience. Oh well.
By the way, I have got plans to actually implement a spelling check in this thing before things get posted so maybe I can pretend like my spelling isn't *that* bad but, no, it hasn't happened yet.
Also, kudos to Panda Express, their drive-through rocks and the fact that they're very close to work is even better. Anyone hungry for some decent chinese quick should give it a try. :)

Modified my setup so that it's easy for me to add news items, guess it sucks to be you all because now I'm more likely to actually update my site with junk. Enjoy. :)

Okay, so I decided to change the website finally to be more 'news-ish' so we'll see how this works out. Of course, it's uber-lame at the moment because I don't know dick about html, php, asp, or any of that shit. I'll do neater stuff later with it if I ever find time. Of course, it may also never get updated again after today knowing me.

So I have to kill Freud today for taking out my web server (again, I think) with his silly slash.php junk. Decided to be nice and fix it up for him but if you happen to see him you might tell him to hide from me for a few days.

What great fun. I'm updating my website some more. Hopefully it'll look slightly better for having more content on it instead of just the junk that was on it. I added the links and friends sidebars in an effort to be 'cool' and modified it so I no longer have the menu code in every page. Now when I update the menu (or the links/friends for that matter) I won't have this issue of having to go through every page to do it. I bet most of you were more or less going "Uh, duh." to that but hey, it started out as one page, so this is progress.
Also going to be fixing up the 'traffic info' so that, I dunno, maybe it'll start updating again. It appears to be something over a year since it was last updated, whoops. Story of my life and all that.
I have to say that MRTG is very cool, btw.

Okay, so I'm working on fixing up analog on the webserver. Hopefully I'll get it set up so that all the virtually hosted sites and the main site will have analog running and even doing DNS lookups now. I'm going to be nuking some of the more useless reports generated by analog as well because they're just silly. Just keeping you all updated on it and whatnot.

So I get to work as part of a group for my CS421 class. What a blast, bleh, talk about an annoying class. Turns out I'm the 'Team Leader' too which isn't too bad, just means I get to try and coordinate meetings and reports and make sure everyone gets their stuff in. At least my group seems to be pretty active and willing to do things. Certainly better than some of the horror stories I've heard from people like bma who took this class a year or so ago, iirc.

So, I've also worked out my Summer/Fall schedules and I'm gonna end up being pretty busy it looks like. Oh well, that's just how it goes I suppose.

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